Investing in the stock market is a big step, and it’s not right for everyone. If you jump into the stock market without fully understanding how it works, that could end up being a costly mistake.
That said, investing your money is one of the best financial moves you can make to generate wealth. If these four signs apply to you, you may be ready to graduate from saving to investing.
Image source: Getty Images.
1. You understand the risks and rewards of investing
Investing is inherently riskier than keeping your money in a savings account. The stock market is a rollercoaster of short-term ups and downs, so you can expect your investments to have good years and bad years.
However, you can also earn exponentially more money over time by investing. Even the best savings accounts offer interest rates of around 1% per year, while the stock market as a whole has historically earned average returns of around 10% per year.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll earn 10% returns each and every year. There will be some years when you experience higher-than-average gains, while other years your returns will be lower. By staying invested through the good times and the bad, though, your annual returns will average out, and you can make a lot of money in the stock market.
2. You have a solid emergency fund
Investing is very different from parking your cash in a savings account. Withdrawing your money from the stock market comes with some hefty consequences (including penalty fees and taxes), so only invest cash you know you won’t need anytime soon.
Before you start investing, make sure you have a healthy emergency fund stocked with enough savings to cover at least three to six months’ worth of general living expenses. This way, if you fall on hard times or face an unexpected expense, you can still pay your bills without having to tap your investments.
3. You’ve paid off high-interest debt
You don’t need to be debt-free to start investing, and it’s often wise to start investing even if you have debt. If you wait until all your debts are paid off to invest, you’re missing out on your most valuable resource: time.
That said, if you’re loaded with high-interest debt (such as credit card debt), it’s a good idea to pay that down before you put any money in the stock market. High-interest debt can be incredibly expensive, and the longer it takes to pay it off, the more it will cost you. In some cases, you could end up paying more in interest on your debt than you’re earning from your investments.
4. You’ve considered your investing preferences
There are countless investments to choose from, and there’s no “one size fits all” strategy that’s right for everyone. The approach that is the best fit for you will depend on your preferences.
If you enjoy researching and are eager to dive into the nitty-gritty details of different companies, buying individual stocks may be the right option for you. On the other hand, if you prefer a low-maintenance approach that requires very little effort on your part, investing in index funds or contributing regularly to your 401(k) or IRA may be a better choice.
There’s no right or wrong answer here, but knowing your investing style is important. If you choose a strategy that doesn’t align with your preferences, it will be harder to continue investing consistently — which will limit your earning potential.
Investing in the stock market is a smart move that can increase your net worth, but it’s crucial to make sure you’re ready before you dive in. Once you’re ready to graduate to investing, you’ll be on your way to supercharging your savings.
10 stocks we like better than Walmart
When our award-winning analyst team has an investing tip, it can pay to listen. After all, the newsletter they have run for over a decade, Motley Fool Stock Advisor, has tripled the market.*
They just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now… and Walmart wasn’t one of them! That’s right — they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.
Stock Advisor returns as of 6/15/21
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