How Big Is Joe Biden’s Social Security Check? Take a Look

Last month, Social Security celebrated its 87th “birthday.” Since being signed into law in August 1935 and beginning payouts on Jan. 1, 1940, Social Security has served as a financial foundation for our nation’s retired workforce.

Today, more than 48 million retired workers are receiving a monthly check that averages $1,670.95, as of July. While this might not sound like a lot — especially with inflation at four-decade highs — Social Security plays a key role in helping recipients make ends meet. According to national pollster Gallup, 89% of surveyed retirees count on Social Security as a “major” or “minor” source of income. This means only about one in 10 Americans aren’t reliant on Social Security income during retirement.

President Joe Biden happens to fall into this exclusive club.

A smiling President Joe Biden standing in the East Room. Image source: Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz.

Here’s how much Social Security income Joe Biden is receiving

Since the early 1970s, most U.S. presidents have chosen to publicly file their federal tax returns. This has been the case with Joe Biden prior to and following his November 2020 election victory.

While there are numerous income streams to note on President Biden’s tax return, which is jointly filed with his wife Jill Biden, the eye-popping income figure to note can be found on line 6a of Form 1040. For those who aren’t tax professionals, line 6a is where an individual or couple filing jointly would list the amount of Social Security benefits they received in the previous calendar tax year (in this instance, 2021).

Last year, the Biden’s claimed $54,665 in Social Security income on a joint basis, which works out to about $4,555 each month. Even taking into account that this $4,555 figure is the combination of Joe’s and Jill’s monthly payout, this is well above what the average retired worker brings home each month from Social Security.

Furthermore, with the U.S. inflation rate hitting a more than four-decade high of 9.1% in June, the 2023 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security should be sizable — i.e., the largest in decades. Following a 5.9% COLA that was passed along to beneficiaries in 2022, it wouldn’t be a surprise to see the Biden’s taking home well in excess of $60,000 a year, jointly, from Social Security come their 2023 federal tax filing.

High earners face a Social Security payout cap

On one hand, $54,665 ($4,555/mo.) is a sizable chunk of change to receive annually, relative to the average Social Security check doled out to retired workers. But when compared to the Bidens’ combined income history, things look a bit different.

According to archived tax returns, the adjusted gross incomes (AGIs) for the Bidens fluctuated between $210,797 and $407,009 from 1998 through 2016. The president and his wife brought home a staggering $11,031,309 in 2017 and $4,580,437 in 2018, on a combined basis. In other words, the couple’s Social Security joint payout is actually quite small compared to what the duo brought home in AGI each year over a two-decade stretch.

The reason their collective payout seems so low relative to their combined AGIs is that the Social Security program caps monthly checks.

To calculate a retired worker’s monthly check at full retirement age, the Social Security Administration will take an individual’s 35 highest-earning, inflation-adjusted years into account. Because the Bidens have earned so much over multiple decades, they’ve likely neared or achieved Social Security’s maximum monthly payout.

In 2021, the maximum Social Security check for a worker at full retirement age was $3,148 a month. Whether you earned an average of $200,000 or $10 million annually over 35 years made no difference — $3,148 a month was the maximum monthly benefit at full retirement age in 2021.

Image source: Getty Images.

Chances are you’re going to pay tax on your Social Security benefit

The other noteworthy figure on Joe and Jill Biden’s most recent federal tax return can be found directly adjacent to the amount of reported Social Security benefits. Line 6b lists $46,465 in taxable Social Security income.

That’s right, folks…Social Security benefits are taxable under certain circumstances.

In 1983, with Social Security’s asset reserves dwindling, Congress passed and President Ronald Reagan signed the last sweeping overhaul of the program. Among the many changes made was the introduction of the taxation of benefits, which took effect in 1984.

The Social Security Amendments of 1983 subjected half of an individual’s Social Security income to federal taxation if their modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) plus one-half of benefits received surpassed $25,000 (or $32,000 for couples filing jointly).

A decade later, in 1993, President Clinton oversaw the addition of a second tier of taxation, which allowed up to 85% of an individual’s or couple’s Social Security payout to be taxed at the federal rate. The income threshold for this upper tier, using the same MAGI plus one-half benefits received formula, is $34,000 for individual filers and $44,000 for joint filers.

As you’ll note, the Bidens earn far more than the top-tier income threshold, which exposes 85% of their Social Security income to federal taxation each year.

Additionally, it’s worth pointing out that these income thresholds tied to the taxation of benefits have never been adjusted for inflation. As monthly Social Security checks have increased with inflation over time, more and more seniors are being exposed to some form of tax liability on their Social Security income. This is unlikely to change anytime soon.

The $18,984 Social Security bonus most retirees completely overlook
If you’re like most Americans, you’re a few years (or more) behind on your retirement savings. But a handful of little-known “Social Security secrets” could help ensure a boost in your retirement income. For example: one easy trick could pay you as much as $18,984 more… each year! Once you learn how to maximize your Social Security benefits, we think you could retire confidently with the peace of mind we’re all after. Simply click here to discover how to learn more about these strategies.

The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

    1. Currupt Joe Biden and his family should be returning any money he gets from the government. I pay him with my taxes, taxes that I have taken from my check. He has been selling American property to currupt countries for years. He is mentally unstable and a danger to every American citizen. He has opened our southern borders to let rapists, drug lords, murders and diseased aliens in. That bastard and his family need to be in jail. No money for others countries. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

        1. Mine and my wife”s amount is almost the same. A living wage job is all it takes. I’m a millwright, and she was an office manage. Nothing fancy, or unusual. Now the millions made in influence peddling, and treason is another story. Why are all you dimwitted dumocrite so hung up on what Donald’s doing, when potato joe, baby hunter, and crazy nancy are ten times worse?????????????????????????????????????????????????

          1. You’re not a so-called President of the United States and his first Lady! They get paid HUGE for that! Biden is STEALING money from us by taking Social Security payments even though he’s not eligible for them with the money he makes. Even AFTER he’s gone from the WH, he gets plenty of cash for being President. Social Security is for those in need. Democrats need to be punished for these crimes as well

          2. I am 72 and have been living on SS ever since I was 62, I got sick. Anyway, I started out at 985 and now make $1225 a month. Here is the problem I am now close to going over the poverty line. Each time I get a raise my rent goes up, and my food help goes down now ($22 a month), normally before I even get my check to the bank. I am comfortable in my life but one more big raise and I will lose my medical help and if I end up paying for that then I really will be in poverty. (Which I already am). I can’t afford cable so no TV. I am on the verge as so many others of giving up my car and insurance. But I am not complaining, just sharing reality. I thank God for what I have every night. So when Biden said he was going to give us $200 a month, someone has figured out what will happen to us. First would be our low income housing and it will snowball from there. I am too old to live in my car.

          3. Hey brother…… I was a carpenter for 30 years. I got hurt at work and was put on SSDI. My SSDI check won’t change when I get to full retirement age. (According to IRS related articles I have read or seen)….My check is $2699 a month.

          4. Social security is insurance WE THE PEOPLE paid into against old age, REQUIRED by the Federal Govt! It is NOT welfare or a gift. Congress NEEDS TO PAY BACK the 2.6 Trillion Dollars they STOLE from Social Security and it will be solvent!!! AND….. create an amendment that it is NEVER to be used by ANY Government entity ever again! It belongs to WE THE PEOPLE!!!

          5. Hate to inform you but your GOP friends have found ZERO evidence of any wrongdoing from President Biden.

        2. Did you not read this? MAXIMUM is (orwas in 2021) $3148, that is $37,776 per year, so Not any more than that for sure, not for just him, add his wife and you’ll probably see that it’s about the same.

          1. If you don’t think this applies to Trump you are wrong. Anyone who has worked and paid social security and medicare taxes is eligible for Social Security. And it will be that way until Congress changes the law.

          1. Congress MUST pay back all those IOU’s that Congress has stolen from the working people by confiscating their SS deductions from their paychecks and putting that money into the general fund. The asshole LBJ (another DEM) did this to the American worker. LBJ was another asshole coward, like Biden and Obama. The money (IOUs) must be paid back into the SS system and never ever stolen again to put into the general fund. SS would not be in the condition it is in IF Congress did not steal our money!

          1. Trump was the best president ever. And joe biden is nothing but a dottering old fart that falls down alot and trips up stairs , did you ever see Donald trump do anything like that no and he should have still been president as the presidental election was rigged from the very beginning

          2. He’s the only president that did not take a salary. But if you listen to Hillary, she says he’s only in it for himself. If that were true, he would surely be like Biden and take the salary.

        3. Like His Salary… HIS CHECK IS PROBABLY DONATED TO A CHARITY ! Joey Bidens Charity is “The Big Guy’s Bank Account” ! Joey Is A GREEDY BASTARD !

          1. Criminal Biden needs a good hard ass-reaming in prison. This lying bastard truly is an evil cunt. A damn coward, just like his sons. Give this criminal what he rightfully deserves, a good hard ass-reaming in prison to make him cry “mama”.

        4. Is Trump even collecting SS? During his tenure as president he lost over 1 billion dollars while the democrat thugs made millions….I have no doubts he elected NOT to go there.

          1. Spot on sir. No Social Security payments up here in the great white north.
            The Bidens’ S.S. Is obscene, corrupt, immoral, and even “sinful” considering how they derive those amounts. As they say! There’s a special pit in hell to fill up with the Bidens, Pelosis, and countless other corporate & political crooks will spend in eternity. Gee I almost left our our Faerie Queen Justine Trudeau and His whole perverse family of Drag Queens and their sick supporters. (But in Trudy’s place, he has actually performed drag in short skirts and silk stockings! The sight of him makes me want to VOMIT! Enough. Its all too much!

        5. Well to answer your question is easy, listen and read very carefully okay?
          In view of the fact that Trump has been self employed his whole life and has NOT BEEN REQUIRED to pay SS taxes, his monthly SS check is ZERO DOLLARS and ZERO CENTS. Donald Trump is NOT ELIGIBLE TO DRAW SS and neither should the free loader Biden. What does he need SS for he has 4 multi million dollar homes. If the derelict pervert needs money he can sell one of his houses. Now does that answer you really, really dumb question?

          1. Self-employed people pay both the employer share and the employee share of Social Security. If drawing a salary from a company he owns, then he would pay the employee share and the company would pay the employer share just as they would for other employees. I know this from having been married to a person who was self-employed and knowing others who were or are as well.

          2. Trump had to pay SS taxes and Medicare taxes even as self-employed. You pay double as self-employed, full bore. It’s not right, of course, but self-employed get reamed by our corrupt governments at fed, state and local levels. REAMED. Every year. It’s a tough life being self-employed.

          3. I demand to know just where did Joe Biden get 7 Million in cash to buy that beach house ?
            Joe Biden can FiretrUCK himself and that damned criminal administration may they ALL ROT IN HELL !

          4. Right? And Isnt it odd that from one year to the UK next he went from pulling half a mil to suddenly 14 mil or whatever? What could have happened in 2016 that made him so lucrative? I’m betting that’s when Obama paid the deposit to own his ass so he could get him installed in 2020. Ohh we lost the election? Alright let’s hire a talk guy to use as a human suicide bomber against every aspect of America that is enviable.

          5. You musy be a gov employee. Self employed people pay 1/2 the 12/14% paid in as payroll taxes. So Trump has paid and can draw SS If he wants

        6. President Trump did not take any pay for the years he served as the president, neither did his daughter or son in law. Trump lost half of his income during his presidency. I am not sure how much SS he gets if he takes any at all.

        7. How much pay did he accept as President? ZERO… I guarantee Biden is getting every F****G penny he can get his hands on…

          1. TRump is CIC of military Also a War time President with wartime powers that he and the military know. By the way he won This is a Worldwide Military Intelligence Covert Sting Operation and a Scripted movie.46 of the 50 States Decertified the ballats Fake media wont say
            they had to do it this way ti make arrests. Pay attention all will come out when they Do The EBs,

        8. Don’t know, but do know that he donated ALL of his presidential salary to charity – never took a cent when he was President! Biden should have been challenged to do the same.

        9. If you remember correctly, Trump gave his salary back to the government agencies that needed it. He never received a penny from the government. Joe and Wife are millionaires and still get money from the government as well as a salary from the government. He is double dipping and probably not paying tax on anything. Do they deduct the proper amount from his Social security check like the do the little people? Probably not along with all the other congress that are getting a retirement check.

        10. One difference. Biden has only held a Federal job his entire life. Trump has worked in the private sector his entire life. Biden only gets a pension, no SS since he hasn’t paid into it. Trump get SS because he paid into it.

        11. Who cares you idiot…he is the ONLY president who NEVER too a penny from this country when in office….there are NO other presidents who came out of being President with LESS money than they went in with other than President Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!

        12. I don’t know. Probably the highest levels, but I don’t care? I do remember that He DIDN’T TAKE THE PRESIDENTIAL SALARY! when he could of!

      1. Your option does matter. But how ever every President have been getting SSI are you going to call them bastards as well. DJT was the worse president in the history of the USA but yet I bet you will vote for him once again.

          1. C’mon Man. When did old Joe Biden actually earn an income that he worked for? He doesn’t know how to work. He only had to lie and convince morons to vote him into the Senate..then he gets picked up be a VP. Didn’t work there just pulled hos strings to make business deals with foreign countries who hate he USA. He’s a traitor and a thief. God help the USA. Another year or too could kill the rights we used to cherish. He’s a puppet for a Left wing Coup led by Barack Insane Obama.

          2. It’s who counts the votes & until computors are recognized as the BIGGEST culprits in the rigged elections we will never win again! Mike has the proof on Dr.Douglas G. Frank has the proof as he has from the beginning! Mike has spent over 14M. and traffic needs to be directed there & get behind this & is ONLY reason NO red wave in 2022! Actually proven using the same remote app DELL uses to remote fix their customers PC”s they have for the last 20 years gave themselves a 10 or 25% edge! It’s proven! Rumble Dr.Frank

          3. When will we the people wake up and realize we have had a corrupt government and we President TRUMP was in office and did not go along with gang they tried to destroy him cause he wanted to change how government was operating. Obama, Bush, Clinton, the FBi, dept heads etc did not want to be exposed as corrupt government and the the ELITE that control the politicians. ATLAS SHRUGGED!!

        1. Tell me why DJT was the worst President ? You only say that because you are filled with hate and are drinking the cool aid of the democratic socialist Marxist party of America.
          DJT was the best for America all Democrats since Clinton have stolen from America. DJT gave all of his Presidential Income back to Charities and only accepted $1 by law per year while serving our Country. Obama and Biden are Marxists and aligned with China taking over our Country.

          1. If you research the Democrat Party you will discover they were birthed out of evil. They created the Jim CROW laws, voted consistently against civil rights- introduced by Republicans, voted against women s right to vote, supported the KKK, and they suppressed African Americans at the voting polls, and the list of evilness goes on and on year after year. If you believe my statements are incorrect, please prove them wrong and I will amend what I said.

        2. How was he the worst??? Your vision is clouded by the news stations you listen to instead of looking at the facts of peace, a good economy, companies surviving and people at work. That is what I saw during President Trumps time in office. And explain how the Bidens wealth exploded? We know how.

        3. Name the policies of DJT that made him the worst president ever. Name the policies that make Biden better. It IS about policies, right? Its not a popularity contest.

          1. Good to stick to the policies by each president. DJT had policies that cr ated Energy independence.. We actually had a surplus and sold natural gas to other countries, instead of begging from our hated OPEC nations like Biden does.
            Also, he started slowing the erosion of our Southern Border. Biden overturned DJT’s best actions and turned that border back into a HELLHOLE again. And, don’t forget the list lol ves I’m Afghanistan that were lost needlessly because Biden bumbled the job. He lost lives and over 80 billion in equip and munitions, AND a strategic air force base….that Is recoverd and now using against the Afghan people, once again. Trump also gained respect with Communist leaders leery mg them know that the USA is strong and won’t put up with their saber rattling. No wars under Trumps watch! I can continue. He did more in four years, while under constant attack from jealous, petty politicians than any other president in my life time. And I’ve been aroused since Dwight D Eisenhower!

        4. What??? If you look at all the good done by presidents starting with Clinton not a single one can hold a candle to President Trump. The worst was Obama and Biden is following his lead. Obama is in his 3rd term which is why we are at war in the Ukraine and all the countries are banding together to get rid of the US dollar as trade currency. Obama is finishing what he started, the destruction of the United States and you don’t have a clue.

          1. Yes!! However you will never convince these dumbocrats. They have a un intelligence gene. They can’t see Truth at all. Even if they saw it, they would deny it. Proof, look at all their replies. Joe is being controlled by Obahama. Proof =Durham Report. Of course they will come back and say it is not true. Most of them are as evil as the people they support. Evil run amuck! We know the truth.

        5. How was DJT worst President in history? Facts…our country was thriving, our economy was booming! THAT was the only thing that the Treasonous bastards couldn’t lie about because it was in your face! Investments were making money, people were working and prices were stable! They had to lock the world down and steal an election to destroy the US dollar! NOW! We are a laughingstock around the world! Our country is weak and fragile…The Traitors have us on the verge of WWIII…they have all been compromised by foreign governments! Crawl out from under your rock and go get another booster! If it all works like they want, you’ll be one less senior they’ll have to pay and that much more in their pockets!

        6. How is it possible to discuss Trump in such a way?? Have you ever thought about how crooked Biden is? If this proof of his ss income doesn’t mean anything, you need to go back under the rock you came from

        7. Donnie, you are a complete fool to suggest President Donald J. Trump is the worst, when the scum bag squatting our White House has more FACTUAL VIDENCE TO PROVE HE’S THE ABSOLUTE WORST EVER!!! 0bama IS A CLOSE 2nd, Being That He IS IN FACT, THE HEAD OF THE SHADOW GOV. OPERATING IN ‘BIG GUY’ JOES DIRTY UNDERWEAR!!!! There’s A Storm Of Epic Proportions About To Rein Over ALL The Traitors, Tyrants, And Thieves Whom Believe,,, They Got Away With Murder. In GOD We Trust.

      2. You accuse Joe Biden of such a magnitude of corruption, but you do not substantiate your accusations. What you have is at best, a negative opinion of the President. And everybody is entitled to an opinion.

        1. First, you would surrender our prior energy independence.
          Make war on coal and nuclear power. Drain the strategic petroleum reserve to make the pain for consumers more bearable for midterm election advantage.
          Cancel the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge oil and gas field. Block pipelines like the Keystone oil pipeline and the Constitution natural gas line.
          Overregulate and demonize frackers and horizontal drillers. Ensure there is less investment for their exploration and production.
          Make use of internal combustion engines or fossil fuel power generation prohibitively expensive. Achieve a green oil-dependency along the lines of contemporary Europe.
          Second, print trillions of dollars in new currency as the lockdowns end, demand rises, and consumers are already saturated with COVID-19 subsidies.
          “Spread the wealth” by sending money to those who already have enough, while making it less valuable for those deemed to have too much. Ensure runaway high prices to wean the middle class off its consumerism and supposedly to inspire them to buy less junk they don’t need. Damn the rich in the open and in the abstract, court them in the concrete and secret of darkness.
          Third, end America’s physical boundaries. Render it an amorphous people and anywhere space. End any vestigial difference between a citizen and resident. Up the current nearly 50 million who were not born in the United States—27 percent of California’s population—to 100 million and more by allowing 3 million illegal aliens to enter per year.
          Fourth, destroy the public trust in its elections. Render Election Day irrelevant
          Fifth, redefine crime as one rich man’s crime, another poor man’s necessity.
          Let those who need “things” exercise their entitlement to them. Rewrite or ignore laws to exempt the oppressed who take, or do, what they want as atonement for past systemic racism and oppression.
          Six, junk the ossified idea of a melting pot and multiracial society united by common American values and ideals. Instead, identify individuals by their superficial appearance. Seek to be a victim and monetize your claims against perceived victimizers. Call anyone a “racist” who resists.
          Encourage each tribe, defined by common race, ethnic, gender, or sexual orientation affinities, to band together to oppose the monolithic “white privilege” majority. Encourage social and tribal tensions. Racially discriminate to end discrimination.
          Greenlight statue toppling, name changing, boycotting, cancel culturing, ostracizing, and Trotskyizing. Erase the past, control the present, and create a new American person for the future.
          Seven, render the United States just one of many nations abroad. Abandon Afghanistan in shame. Leave behind thousands of loyal Afghan allies, billions of dollars in equipment, a billion-dollar embassy, and the largest air base in central Asia. Appease the theocracy to reenter the Iran nuclear deal.
          Beg enemies like Venezuela, Russia, and Iran to pump more oil when it is politically expedient for us to have abundant supplies—oil that we have in abundance but won’t produce. Discourage friends like Guinea from producing more energy and cancel allies’ energy projects like the EastMed pipeline.
          Trash but then beg Saudi Arabia to pump more oil right before the midterms for domestic political advantage.

          1. Kenneth, Tour comment is spot on. Only an idiot with his or her head up their ars cant see how the demonic, leftwing advocates are trying to destroy what used to be (and God help us, return to be) the best country God ever helped create.

      3. There is nothing shocking about President Biden earnings (income you work for) or what Social Security pays him and his wife in compliance with the Law. And in regards to his speaking style that respects EVERYBODY, including those who hate him that is just how decent and actually Christian people refers to others. It seems that Diane Prince doesn’t know the meaning of the word “bastard” which is “illigimate” son or daughter, one that was born from non married parents. Of course, that word stopped being used by almost everybody the United States and every country where fathers are mandated (by the Law) to pay child support.

        1. Read the Kenneth Rittenhouse email again. You seemed to have missed out on his message. What do you mean by Biden “respects EVERYBODY”? Per his address to the MAGA GOP, he is anything but respectful. He has weaponized the FBI/DOJ and was responsible for colluding with NARA by creating an EO to remove Trump’s right as POTUS to classify/declassify presidential documents as secret/top secret. Thus, Biden instigated the Mar-a-Lago fiasco. Among other things, he just may be a Manchurian Candidate. Why the $30 m CCP gift to the Biden Center at the Univ. of Penn? (They don’t give money away, not in that amount, unless it’s quid pro quo.) Also, the House is investigating a $1 m gift to Hunter from the CCP. This doesn’t even scratch the surface of what Biden is/does. Rittenhouse got it right!

        2. First off, it’s ill-E-gitimate, mate, so if you’re in the mood for correcting someone’s use of a word you ought to at least know the correct spelling of words YOU use to correct them with…AND then in regards to your statement “And in regards to his speaking style that respects EVERYBODY, including those who hate him that is just how decent and actually Christian people refers to others.”, I personally am tired of being accused of being a “threat to equality and democracy” and supporting “an extreme ideology” by this “decent and actually Christian” man simply because I don’t agree with his policies. I bet all the lying dog faced pony soldiers would also disagree with your claim of his “speaking style that respects EVERYBODY”. Hmmm. What do you think, M Iris Cabal?!

        1. Government employees do pay into Social Security. School Teachers do not. You cannot receive Social Security without having paid into the system.

          1. Uh, I don’t know where you got your fake info from Janet, but as a teacher for 42 years I can tell you that I paid into that fund as a teacher each and every one of those 42 years.

      4. TOTALLY agree. Meanwhile the elderly are buying canned dog food to eat and survive. Biden is a worthless POS!

      5. Change channels. Your TRAITOR-in-CHIEF was a Putin Puppet and Continues to Carry Out Putin’s Mandate that Trump & Klan/Clan/Cohorts and Cronies of the Coup — that’s you — fulfill THE PUTIN PLAN FOR THE USA exactly as other Traitors to their countries, have done and are doing under THAT SAME PLAN as recruited, trained, equipped, funded and Directed by Vlad and his Vultures in The Ukraine, Crimea, DonBas, Moldova, Hungary, Belarus and a dozen other Formerly Stable Democracies NOW under attack by Treasonous Citizens BRAINWASHED, OR BRIBED BY TRUMP TRAITORS LOYAL TO THEIR PUTIN PAYROLLS AND AGAINST THEIR COUNTRY AS ARE THE BANNON, MILLER TRUMP, AND CULTS OF CONS carrying out the MANDATE for their MOSCOW COMRADES.

      6. Agree. The amount of money the Bidens have stolen from Americans is astonishing. Bidens are criminals. Sold out to China. Should be impeached.

      7. If he and his wife paid into Social Security, they are entitled to it, the same as Trump and any of the congressional and other professionals. . If you know anything about Social Security, you know that they have to pay taxes on 100% of it because of their income the same as anyone else does. If you are going to get upset about Biden and his ss, they check into the rest of the politicians, including Trump. There is a maximum they can draw based on their income just like everyone else. If you don’t feel they should be exempt, the same would have to go for the rest of the politicians. Maybe they should put a cap on SS, for high income individuals. That would include all high income recipients after retirement say making over $500,000. If you are going to complain, maybe you could think of some solutions.

      8. I will say up front, I am not a Biden supporter, however, his presidential salary is a fixed amount. Whatever he gets in SS is also a fixed amount, determined by how much he has paid into it through out his career, just like everybody else. Your tax money goes to his salary, just like every other president in the past. Your tax money does NOT go to his SS. That is a whole different . We don’t know what he does with his money, either legal or otherwise.

      9. I thought Social Security was for individuals that were retired and not working. How is it that Biden can draw it???!!! The whole family should be in prison. They are nothing but a bunch of crooks.

      10. Why is he drawing SS payments? He has worked 50 years for the federal government so he should only be drawing federal pension. So you are telling me, he is drawing federal pension, SS, AND when he is removed from the Presidency, he will draw a Presidential retirement when he cause all of us to lose ours? He stole our tax Dollars to do his money laundering in Ukraine, China and the rest of the world!!!

      11. In my opinion NO ONE who has anything to do with the Federal Government involvement in Social Security, should receive Social Security, while having any thing to do with determining how much they should be getting. First RETIRE, then get Social Security. The president of the US is one such person.

      12. The Biden Crime Cartel is the worst and most embarrassing presidential disaster foisted upon the American public. The most insane aspect of this pathetic pandering puppet is the masses of Democrats who accept this demented fool.

      13. The way Social Security was originally designed you would get your benefits tax free then along came the government in all earnest to help all the citizens of this country and many other countries by opening up social security to the government to take from (read steal) in order to spend it supposedly to prevent the government from going broke( (insert sarcastic laugh) the Social Security system then was no longer a separate entity but was added to United States Treasury where it was quickly spent as were all Treasury funds by Congress men an women who could even balance their own private checking accounts and were writing so many hot checks to pay for meals from the government funded commissary provided for them to eat their meals so they wouldn’t be have the arduous task of making a trip out of the Capital to dine in the many other places that were available to them to dine in all the restaurants
        The Treasury for those that haven’t notice is where your income taxes are now paid in to and the name you put on all your tax returns instead of making them payable to the IRS I think this was to make it easier to (read steal yet again) fund by having one account to (read steal) pay for all the expenses government runs up helping (read bribing) foreign Counties to not attack or to fund the United States attacks on them (read free their citizens from their dictators to replace by dictators we chose because they will cooperate with with U.S. foreign Policies until they won’t like Panama’s Noriega who we groomed iin our AmericanWarCollege only toses him gainsk much peer over the Panama Canal Zone and usurping Americas power of the importation of drugs and skimming so much profit off the top we were having trouble funding the War on Drugs.

      14. I thought federal employees had to work 10 years to draw social security? Which even with that it is not fair! I wiorked for over 40 years and had ss withheld! Federal employees can work for 10 years and draw full benefit! No doubt it will go broke along with forced Medicare! Almost $200 taken out of already taxed monies and illegals get it free!

    2. That POS POTUS needs impeached. And draw SSI just like the rest of us. I’m sick of this corrupt administration and their cronies!

    3. I thought Federal Employees weren’t on social security. Alas Those that run this country deserve more … More Prison time for all they stolen through the years and never paid ‘Their Fair Share’.

    4. I am retired civil service and I have a significant amount deducted from my benefits due to receiving a government pension. Trump gave his back to the Treasury as he didn’t need it. The greedy Bidens should do the same. Any multimillionaires don’t need the extra money, especially since they got rich at the taxpayers’ expense.

    5. $5,000 per month for two people sounds about right. I get $2,400 per month myself, for having worked for 40 years.

    6. I will overlook Joeys pandering to colorerd Marxist ,mandated bioweapon vaccine, senile space outs and child hair sniffing ,if he pays my mortgage ,car loan and my wife has 14 relatives in the Philippines, who want to come over and get on a 2200 life time dole ands have a 10000 dollar credit card for special ethnic food ,they want kinilaow and roast pork every day, with lots of tuba! And no the boys do not want their diks cut off, nor the girls do not want to loose their breasts ! Sorry just keep your tranny staff away from their body parts !

    7. Federal Employees do not get social security benefits. They have a pension plan. The only way Joe Biden should be getting SS benefits is if he paid in before he was a government employee. In order to receive SS benefits, you must have worked 10 years with 40 credits. What jobs did Joe Biden work before he became a Senator.

    8. I’m a DAV (service connected) and I make just under $1,500 a month from social security. And even at the “100% rate” DAVs pensions are FAR from “Middle Class!” The lowest rung of the ladder of middle class is about $70k to $72k.
      DAVs at the 100% rate make about $40k. And NOW Biden’s Illegal Aliens make a lot more than the DAVs in ….”Benefits” and money! Free or subsidised housing, free Medical/Dental, free food and food stamps, free clothing allowance, free debit cards at $1,100 a month(?) $2,200 in a cash payment each month and on and on! This is Outragous that they are getting a lot more than Our Military Disabled Veterans!

    9. It just shows Biden resolve to fully exploit every possible avenue of American culture while simultaneously destroying it. It’s disgusting. He’s got what? Another 10 15 years? What does he care how messed up he makes it for future generations so long as he gets his right?

  1. I get so tired of everybody saying that the majority of SS recipients receive $1675.00/month. I cry foul. I’ll bet most of them only receive the minimum of $934.00/month. Try being single male and disabled living off of $934.00 and $65.00/month food stamps like me. One learns to do without because in this day and my age, I wouldn’t last very long out on the streets!

    1. I only receive $837 thanks to this year’s COLA and no food stamps, but I’m a little more situated because I have a husband. Even though we worked since we were 14 and 15, we only get SS now. Half our retirement savings went bye-bye in 2008-2009. In 2007, open heart surgery took the rest of his and 2012, cancer drained mine. I can’t walk very well and I now have diabetes, too. I applied for food stamps 2 years ago and we were allotted $15 a month. That’s a lot of hamburger @$5/lb. So I turned them down. Too much hassle for $15. We get by but it’s a struggle. My check goes for living expenses/utilities, his for taxes and health insurances, and food, except Medicare.

      Young people think getting SS is free money. They don’t realize we paid into it all the working years and we still pay for Medicare along with a supplemental, plus prescription insurances which goes up every year and that doesn’t include the prescription costs that the insurance doesn’t pay. They need to up the age of full retirement and remove the cutoff where you no longer have to pay in for the year, especially since the wealthy receives SS along with their pensions, 401Ks and whatever other savings they have socked away over the years. In fact, it might be a good deal if they don’t allow the people to receive SS if their income exceeds a certain amount IMHO.

      1. Just wait! Illegals will get more than you do because they have kids, kids, and more kids…because they know they get rewarded for having more kids. They are also allowed to claim children exemptions even though the kids do not live here with them. I know because they told me.

          1. Maybe you never heard of fake papers/names? They’ve been known to work with those. Who will stop them from collecting under those circumstances?

          2. You need a Social Security number to pay into it which Illegals do not have. If money is taken from them under the guise of SSI, it is an unscrupulous employer taking and keeping it.

          3. Your wrong; anyone that comes to this country can get ssi, medicaid, and food stamps. I worked in the medical field for 28 years and saw it over and over. Tech workers invite their parents here and when they get off the plane, they go straight to the hospital. They stay is the hospital for months on end. At that point they get medicaid and ssi. When invited to visit by family, or immigrate, the sponsor is supposed to pay their medical and food bills for 10 years after arrival, yet no one is held accountable and forced to pay their families way. Clinton signed this into law in the 90’s. No one enforces it.

          4. Illegals get a whole lot more than struggling Americans get. Clothing, food, free medical care, hoiusing (in hotels with meals. laundry, ,etc) cell phones -free, and in CA a $5000. gift card upon arrival. Oh – and transportation to the cities of their illegal choice.

      2. Yes we all paid into SS and some of us paid a lot more. So you are saying we should not get SS based on our other income from 401ks, pensions and other savings. I worked hard for my benefits and I also did without many things. I lived in cheap apartments, drove old cars, did not eat out much, always bought my clothes, furniture etc. from Goodwill/Thrift stores. I also saved every penny I could for rainy days and retirement. Now if you think I would give up something because I made better decisions than most of you then you are going to have a rude awakening. I was ridiculed for what I did but who is laughing now?

      3. Regardless of your financial status (rich/wealthy) if you paid in to Social Security you are entitled to your monthly check! You money plus the interest it earned during your working years. The ones I have issues with are the ones who worked for under the table wages and complain because they receive a very small or no Social Security Check. The same with the US Military paycheck each month for 21 years. BTW we paid Social Security, state income and Federal Income taxes on our Military Wages withe exception of our service time in Vietnam.

      4. Except that THOSE FOLKS ALSO PAID IN THEIR OWN MONEY!! So you prefer total
        socialism/communism/marxism?? What if I arbitrarily decided YOU couldn’t get SS anymore at all because you drive a color of car that I don’t like????

        I will never get MY OWN MONEY back from SS because I was blessed to have a job with a good pension. (It took my health but I’m mostly enjoying retirement.) And I’m getting $300 a month SS even tho if I had no retirement I would get much more. How is that Fair?? Nothing but wealth re-distribution. socialism at its best. Not to mention, I’m forced to pay OVER $700 A MONTH for medicare. Keep telling me how this is all fair? I studied, I planned, I worked my ass off, just so my retirement money, money I EARNED and was FORCED TO PAY into SS could go to someone else. Go ahead, YOU decide who gets what. Great idea.

      5. Stop whining about the “wealthy”. They pay over 70% of the income taxes. This equity BS must cease. Did they not work for their retirement?

  2. Joe Biden as a federal employee who is still working, but also collecting social security retirement though still working, isn’t there some sort of offset whereby if you make a certain amount of money as a retired fed, that will minimize or even eliminate any social security benefits he would normally be entitled to?

    1. Yes, it’s mostly taxed at very high rate. Anything over $33k annual is taxed at 50%. It says it in the article. I have a part time business and have to be careful because I could fall into that $33k but I need the extra money because SS isn’t enough. My sister, because she earned more for a period of 10 years (the article is incorrect, they take your 10 best earning years to figure your SS, not your top 10 years either, it is broken into 10 year spans) so she gets more than Biden.

    2. There is a social security rule that cuts a person’s benefits by 60% if they worked for the government. Also, the benefits should be cut more depending on how much money they continue making. I think ALL politicians should waive their rights to social security if they earn more than $100,000 annually… just like Democrats target “the rich.”

    3. After you reach your full retirement age, earning are unlimited. Your SS will stay the same. But the earnings limit still applies at which point you have to pay taxes on up to 85% of your SS payments.

      1. If he paid into the SS system for required length of time he would be eligible. Also, since the 80’s, federal employees do pay to Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). Those who were not under that system could transfer into it. FERS does collect for SS.

    4. If he is still “working” he and his wife are not subject to the WEP/GPO provisions of social security. Once he retires, he will become subject to the WEP/GPO provisions. Maybe that is why he wants to keep working until age 86.

  3. My wife and I are collecting a similar amount as the Bidens.And feel FORTUNATE to do so. We both had 42+ years of employment AT THE SAME EMPLOYER. My wife’s brother and sister’s benefits are $934 and $1675,collectively per month. Just goes to show,that longevity at an employer that pays/collects payroll taxes,works out.

      1. Last time I checked SS was withheld from every paycheck I earned. It was not paid entirely by my employer. My earnings while active duty military were also taxed (state income tax, federal income tax and state income tax. One should not wait until they reach their senior years to start planning for retirement. I am retired U S Military and we lived on my low Military pay and my wife’s earning (tips) as a bagger in the base commissary. One should look at what they do have and can do to improve their life and not look at what someone else has. No one can be successful for you, you must do it for your self !

  4. WTF is Jell-O Brains Pedophile Biden getting social security while supposedly being the Traitor in Chief ?? There IS a law that’s supposed to prevent him from this excessive payment. If it was anyone else, their checks would have a SUBSTANTIAL OFFSET in the payment, but as most of us have learned, this individual is being treated better than all the imprisoned Mafia Dons … The ” Bite Me Cartel ” has been skimming the fat off the milk for Decades … Can’t Wait to see them behind bars at GITMO or Swinging from a Rope, doing the Dangle Dance for all their crimes, including receiving billions in ” washed monies ” from all those US Tax Dollars given away to Criminal Foreign Nations. Ole Joe has been running the nation’s biggest PONZI scheme since he started pampering that Disgraceful Drug Addicted bastard Son of his. Hunter should have been behind bars years ago. Can’t wait for the Military Tribunals coming to a military base near you !!

      1. How much did the self proclaimed ‘billionaire’ trump receive.. ? Gullible believe he donated his salary for 4 years in office to charity.. what charity??????

        1. Quarter/Year Recipient Earmark
          Q1 2017 Dept. of the Interior National Park Service maintenance of a Civil War site
          Q2 2017 Dept. of Education A science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) camp for children
          Q3 2017 Dept. of Health and Human Services Public awareness campaign about opioid addiction
          Q4 2017 Dept. of Transportation Infrastructure grant program
          Q1 2018 Dept. of Veterans Affairs Caregiver programs
          Q2 2018 U.S. Small Business Administration “Emerging Leaders” program
          Q3 2018 National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Not yet announced
          Q4 2018 Dept. of Homeland Security Not yet announced
          Q1 2019 Dept. of Agriculture Outreach programs, according to a statement from USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue provided to Snopes
          Q2 2019 Surgeon General’s Office “An upcoming public health advisory,” USA Today reports.
          Q3 2019 Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health “To continue the ongoing fight against the opioid crisis,” the White House told the Associated Press
          Q4 2019 Dept. of Health and Human Services To help “confront, contain, and combat coronavirus.”
          Q1 2020 Dept. of Health and Human Services To “develop new therapies for treating and preventing coronavirus.”

  5. I thought most married couples received the larger of the two’s Social Security. Is that always how it is, SS pays what both put into SS over their working careers? That would make some difference it seems. It is somewhat telling that the Biden’s weren’t making that kind of money until after his VP gig. Before that, as a Senator, he always said he was the poorest politician in America. I think Hunter is the brains of the outfit.

    1. They each get their own SS check based on earnings throughout a portion of their working years. However, when one spouse dies, the one left behind recieves the highest of the two.

  6. Biden should not be receiving ANYTHING in Social Security. Nada, 00000.. Why should he even be able to collect social security? He never worked a day in his life! He just collects money.

  7. I am no fan of the Bidens but the this is was a very poor analysis and failed to disclose a number of facts – First there is a difference between one’s gross social security check and the taxable amount. In general for high earners the 85 % of the benefits are taxed. The article does not explain that after age 70 there is no deduction from social security benefits due to other earnings, HOWEVER, MIDICARE HAS AN INCOME RELATED ADJUSTMENT. That medicare income adjustment applies to both spouses if they are filing jointly. That adjustment adds to the medicare cost that is deducted from one’s social security benefits and in the Biden’s case is most likely approximately $600 a month EACH. The income related medicare additional premium does not reduce the amount of one’s social security subject to income tax and is a good example of the stealth taxes on income.

    1. Since he is still working, he likely has health-care plan that qualifies as acceptable primary coverage and doesn’t need MEDICARE at the moment. He can enroll down the road when he no longer has that.

  8. So why does the SS tax stop at $160,000.00. If people making extreme amounts of money get to receive SS then the taxes should be taken out of every amount earned without a cap. The way SS was supposed to work was to pay regular people after retirement. That is why there was a cap because people making above the cap wouldn’t need SS $. But now that everyone receives it without putting in the fair share. Sounds like a Ponzi scam to me.

  9. SS is an unfair tax especially for retired military. Active duty pay is much lower than most.
    When one retires they must pay for Medicare in order to use the Tri-Care they earned. This means a reduced SS payment. Want a reason why they are having difficulty getting recruits. This is a big one.

    1. To be fair, what is the amount Obama collects or any other DNC leader like Piglosi, Schumer??? Hatred is a decease and it leads to more hatred and other decease.
      Better be worriedy about losing Medicare Advantage and raising co-pay, raising prescriptions under OBiden than hate Trump.
      Spend your time living happy than hatred!

    1. I worked 2 jobs for 30 years 1 as a firefighter the other in construction. I paid social security for over fifty years on my construction jobs. If you have a pension such public employees, teachers, firefighters, police, etc: the social security administration takes away 60% of your amount. I wonder if congress and the president are exempt from that? Probably are.

  10. I think I see what is happening here. Guessing Biden stayed with the civil service retirement system CSRS not converting to the federal retirement system FERS. CSRS payments are made through OPM not social security. His CSRS check is based on high 3 years of earnings, the president’s salary is $200,000 so let’s use that. He has earned a federal salary for more than 42 years and 11 months (time needed to max out the federal pension) where the payout is 80%. 80% of $200,000 is a yearly payout of $160,000 or a monthly $133,333 check. Hiding his retirement income not included in social security is misinformation and not providing the public with an accurate accounting.

  11. The Bidens made $54,665…,not including the $5M (a few years ago) from Burisma. Who knows what other bribes and handouts he got.

  12. Shouldn’t he be getting less after implementing the W.E.P. Program? Cause it looks like I will. HR711 needs to get repealed by next year.

  13. Why the EF sleepy Joe receives any SS payments? One of the conditions is that the recepient doesn’t have an income. And this motyergucker holds the highest paid job in US – what a piece of shit.

  14. And senators are exempt from Social Security because they have their own more lucrative plan. So how does his SS check get to be so much?

  15. I would think this would be considered double dipping. If you have a military retirement your Social Security is offset because you can’t claim full benefits from both government agencies.

  16. How come I have to pay back to SSI what I make above a certain amount and the commander in diapers seems to be exempt from doing????

  17. How does he get ANY Social Security? When I retired, they told me if I still work and make over a certain amount, I would get zero. He works and certainly makes more. How does he get anything?

  18. How did a former US Senator get such a large social security check. My wife and I both worked and did fairly well. Our combined checks are about $1,000 more than Joe and Jill’s. Do US Senators get to dip into their government pension plan and social security? They sure as hell shouldn’t.

  19. This article is simply inflammatory with NO benefit. I may DESPISE FJB but the method used to determine SS payouts is a rather simple, sanitary formula! No, I do NOT trust the man, nor his criminal associates, but the US allowed him to be be placed in office and to be used as a puppet by the Obummer operatives.
    STOP THE DO-DO LIKE THIS ARTICLE AND LETS ADDRESS THE REAL PROBLEMS! You know, like the IRRESPONSIBLE spending which has been going on for decades or the unconstitutional interference in our PRIVATE lives. (aka, go read the 10th Amendment)

  20. Social Security – a legal ponzi scheme. Had I not been FORCED by the government to pay into this “plan” I could retire years earlier. But because they steal it from me, I didn’t have it to responsibly invest. Now, I’ll work until I’m 67 and receive payments from the money they are stealing from younger Americans. A total idiot plan. Thanks, FDR (you moron).

  21. Yes this is more than the average American, however, can you get Trumps? I know it will be difficult considering he’s the only president that didn’t willing offer his information!

  22. How can this be? Congress is not covered by Social Security. They don’t pay into it. They have a separate retirement plan. Joe Biden has never held a real job. He has not paid into the SS fund. How can he draw anything?

  23. Biden has never had a real job his entire life.
    When social security runs out of money, will welfare also run out of money?
    There is no real social security trust fund, the democrats took care of that long ago!

  24. Meaningless.
    Let’s talk about how many millions Biden has made illegally as the Big Guy, selling access to the office of the Vice President before, and now the President.

  25. I did the numbers, and if the deductions on my paychecks had been invested, in the stock market, at the historic rate of return, I would be receiving $5500/month, not $1600.

    Instead ,the Congressional clowns stole my money and used it to spend money on gifts for their constituents. Thio is like opening your presents on Christmas and finding out that Santa Claus stole them from your neighbors.

  26. I thought social security was for poor retired people, not people with a president’s salary. My friend collected a whopping $72 from social security and no one I know can live on it. So why don’t we let the poor people take social security, not the rich.

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