Investors saw painful volatility return to the market in late 2021. In this video from “Beat & Raise,” recorded on Dec. 3, Fool contributors Jason Hall, Conner Allen, and Toby Bordelon discuss how they stayed sane through a big drawdown in their portfolio — without abandoning their investing strategies.

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Jason Hall: Connor, you have the advantage of a longer track record or a longer investing timeline than me and certainly a lot of longer than Toby. I’m kidding, Toby. [laughs] We’re actually not that different in age.
Toby Bordelon: Am I even older than you?
Hall: We’re not that far apart.
Bordelon: We’re pretty close.
Hall: But what I’m saying is your perspective and your experience is a little bit different and I would love to hear same thing, Toby, just what’s going on with you?
Connor Allen: Well, I got to say I beat both you guys because I was down five percent today. [laughs] That was actually the worst single-day loss that I’ve experienced as an investor and that was largely due to my large holding in DocuSign, just absolutely brutal day for them.
What I did is I was looking at my portfolio this morning. I was like, you know what? I’m just going to take a breather. I’m going to go play a little bit of golf. There’s a little par 3. I think that’s a great thing for a lot of people to do is just take a breath, go on a walk, go play golf. Just stop looking and that can stop you from doing a lot of stupid things. That’s the primary thing that you have to worry about is how do I stop myself from making a decision that I know I’m going to regret in the future. I went to play golf and actually lost money playing golf too. I was playing with our buddies. [laughs]
Hall: At least you got to play golf.
Allen: At least I did. But I want to hit on something that I tweeted out earlier today. That was a lot of investors are screaming “opportunity” or they’re screaming “crash” right now. Like many things in life, the answer is probably somewhere in the middle. Don’t go all in on the opportunity and don’t go all out on the crash. What I mean by that is that a lot of investors are saying, this is the best opportunity you’ve had in a long time, deploy all your capital that you have. Then a lot of people are saying, crash is coming, sell everything. Look at that, pull my tweet right up. I think you have to understand that the truth sometimes is in the middle of the loudest voices. I think it would probably be wise to deploy some capital right now. But definitely don’t go full in on either side.
Hall: Two of Colin Powell’s rules of leadership, and I’m paraphrasing a little bit here, it’s never as bad as it seems and get mad, get over it, get to work. It’s OK to feel some emotions about this, guys. I’ve been investing for a long time and I have done well. I lost five digits today. That number is smaller. I can say it’s not real, because it’s the fiction we all agree on together of what these companies are worth. It’s not real, but you know what? I still feel it. [laughs] I know the people that were planning to liquidate those assets that fell sometime over the near future, because they’re going to deploy that to pay for golf and bills and that things, they are feeling the real pain. I get that. But for me I think the biggest thing is just that simple reminder of focusing on my goals and focusing on my companies.
Connor Allen owns DocuSign. Demitri Kalogeropoulos has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. Jason Hall has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. Toby Bordelon has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool owns and recommends DocuSign. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.