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Some people think that personal finances are, well, personal. And you’ll find plenty of people who keep financial worries and wins under wraps.
But a new TikTok trend has emerged that has people sharing their financial issues, goals, and success stories with the masses. It’s called “loud budgeting,” and it entails sharing financial details with the people you know — as well as the people you don’t.
If you’re a private person, loud budgeting may not be your jam. But it could actually have a positive impact on your finances.
When others empathize and offer advice
Sometimes, there’s comfort to be had by learning that the financial issues you’re facing are ones other people are experiencing, too. If you blast out details of your financial woes, you might get a host of responses from people who are in the same boat. That might make you feel better about your circumstances.
Just as importantly, by sharing your financial concerns or goals, you never know when you might come across someone — whether it’s an acquaintance or a random stranger — who shares helpful, actionable advice. For example, SecureSave data finds that 63% of Americans can’t cover an unplanned $500 expense out of savings. If you’re in that boat, it might help you to hear stories of other people who went from a $0 savings account balance to having thousands socked away.
Similarly, let’s say you’re working to pay off a lingering credit card balance. If you share that broadly, but also share your debt payoff plan, you may be more inclined to stick to it knowing that you’ve told your story and are now accountable for making progress.
A better bet could be to talk to a financial professional
If you’re someone who feels comfortable enough sharing details of your financial life, you may find that loud budgeting works wonders for you. But if that’s just not inside your comfort zone, don’t sweat that, either.
It’s not easy to share financial details with people you don’t know — and with people you do. But if you’re looking for advice on the financial front, one thing you can consider is talking to a financial advisor.
Contrary to what you may have been led to believe, you don’t need to have a lot of money to work with a financial advisor. The job of a financial advisor is to help you manage your finances and work toward your personal goals. It doesn’t matter if you’re aiming to build a $1 million retirement nest egg or if you simply need help digging your way out of debt and building an emergency fund.
There are different ways a financial advisor can help you. You could pay an advisor for a few sessions where they help you get your finances in order for a fee. Or, you could pay for ongoing help.
It’s a good idea to talk to a few different professionals and get a sense of what they do, how they work, and what their fees look like. And you may want to start by asking for recommendations from friends or colleagues.
In fact, that’s one financial matter you may want to put out to the masses. Post something on your social media page saying you’re looking for recommendations for a trustworthy financial advisor. You can also NAPFA’s Find an Advisor tool to find professionals in your area if you don’t have a recommendation as a starting point.
Loud budgeting may be trendy these days. And it may even be effective. But you may find that working with a financial professional is even more effective for you.
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